I met Eric Cordier for the first time when my train stopped at Berlin central station. He had been working at the lounge since his arrival. Together we traveled the last leg of the journey and set up at WorldWideWindow in Schöneweide. From 23:15 to 01:30. The concert the following evening was an intense exploration of the innermost murmurings and songs of the laptops’ components. Amazing!
Klingt wie Industrie!
On May 18 Eric Cordier will perform with me as a NoOutputLaptop-Theremin duo. Looking forward to the soundscapes hidden away in the ultra compact electronics!
Gramss-Krennerich-Levine 05/09/2019
On May 09 the bass player Sebastian Gramss from Cologne and the saxophone player Andreas Krennerich from Stuttgart joined me in Hamburg for an improvised, sometimes quite jazz-like session. It was also my premiere with the Cracklebox from STEIM.
A selection of the music can be purchased at Bandcamp. There is also a smaller subset available on video at Vimeo and YouTube.
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